Email Marketing

Email marketing is the online equivalent of direct mail. Although every email you send to a client or potential customer could be thought of as email marketing, it really means sending bulk emails to your email list,
or part of your list. There are various aims of email marketing, normally might include:

  • Building your relationship with existing customers.
  • Encouraging repeat business.
  • Acquiring new customers.
  • Persuading people to buy something.

Email marketing normally is in the form of newsletter and e-mail campaigns. When it is used with permission for building and maintaining relationships with your customers, email marketing is an efficient and powerful tool that needs to be part of your online marketing mix. However they can be time-consuming, taking up hours for each e-mail and newsletter campaign.

Rigel Innovations offers self-service and managed service email newsletter solutions to make your campaigns easy and hassle free. Our email marketing services including:

  • Send emails to one or morel mailing lists
  • Unlimited lists
  • Unlimited subscribers
  • Unlimited newsletters
  • Email/newsletter templates
  • Emails queue management and resend to overcome hosting limitation
  • Enhanced Statistics to see how many who receives and reads your mails
  • Easily import email recipents through CSV
  • Social Tags (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • Handle registered or unregistered subscribers
  • Attachment capability
  • Embedded images option
  • Ability to Ban emails
  • Automated unsubscribing
  • Preview newsletter before sending
  • And more ......

Contact us for our online marketing services.