Online Strategy

There are various definition and interpretation of online strategy, or digital strategy. In Rigel Innovations, we see online strategy is the practice of figuring out the best way to achieve your business outcomes.

Developing an online strategy is an ongoing process, subject to changes in internal and external environment. It's a long term plan to get good business results online by integrating your business goals with your online objectives. Developing a good online strategy, one really propels your forward and achieve the outcome is not easy. There are a lot of questions to answer such as

  • Exactly what business purposes and online objectives do you want to achieve?
  • Who do you want to visit your site, and how will they find your business online?
  • What kind of content will best serve your purposes – and where will it come from?
  • Which online channels – website, blog, newsletter, social network – will you use
  • How will you track and measure your online efforts to get better business results?
  • What’s the plan to achieve your goals

Rigel Innovations online strategy service can assists you to answer these questions and develop a clear defined and practical strategy that will align with your business goals, add values and provide positive returns. We do it by working together with you in the following key aspects

  1. Understanding of where you are now
  2. A clear sense of where you want to end up
  3. Assessment of what stands in between (gap analysis)
  4. Decision about how to approach the challenge
  5. A set of planned specific actions to undertake

Whether you want to improve your organisation's image, promote your brand, sell your product or service online, increase your customer relationship and satisfaction, make information easily accessible, or cut costs etc., our online strategy service are here to help you.

Contact us for our online strategy service.